Snow Falling on Cedars
A novel by: David Guterson
Spoiler Alert!
David Guterson describes each character in detail through out Snow Falling on Cedars. Below, the main characters are listed and their roles in this wonderful novel are defined. Their portraits from the movie made for Snow Fallng on Cedars are also included to give you a better idea of their appearances.
Ishmael Chambers
When we begin the novel Ishmael Chambers is the San Piedro's sole journalist, he is Kabuo's childhood friend, andHatsue's young lover. He is also a war veteran with only one arm. Ishmael has been struggling with his hatred for the Japanese ever since he left the army and returned home. This affects him profoundly as the accused man is of this nationality. Chambers plays a prominent role in Snow Falling on Cedars, he finds the solid evidence that Kabuo is innocent, but Guterson sets him up for a hard choice when he incorperates Ishmael jealousy of Kabuo and Hatsue's relationship. Ishmael's goal is to recapture Hatsue's heart, even if it means Kabuo dies.

Hatsue Miyamoto
Hatsue Miyamoto is highly involved in Snow Falling on Cedars although her point of view is not represented a lot. Hatsue is the source of Ishmael's inner-conflict, she, influenced by her mother, was the one who ended their relationhip. She however, feels annoyed and hurt by Ishmael's anger at her rejection. Hatsue is now married to the accused man and throughout the book she tries to disguise her grief unsuccessfully. Hatsue was a strawberry farmer before she wassent away, and she desperately wishes to return to her job wiht Kabuo at her side.

Kabuo Miyamoto
Mr. Miyamoto, the accused man, the murderer, the evil Japanese man. So Kabuo is protrayed. Years and years ago, Kabuo Miyaoto's ancesters settled on San Piedro, they were treated very poorly and they worked long hours as strawberry farmers. The feeling that the Japanese are strangers to America still runs in San Piedro, and this almost enemity is a big infleunce against Kabuo during the trial. When all the Japanese were evicted from the Island, Kabuo and Hatsue met, then married while away. Kabuo had big hopes of moving back home and supporting his wife through strawberry farming.

Carl Heine
Carl Heine is the dead man. An accomplished gill-netter who mysteriously drowned in the sea, leaving behimd a beautiful wife and two children. Carl was a good man, he felt no resentment towards the Japanese, and he wished to reclaim his father's strawberry fields. He was a passionate lover and he was married for many years, although admitedly his relationship with Susan-Marie was largely about sex. Carl was friends with Kabuo during ther childhood and was sad to see him go, but their relationship did not extend far enough to compel him to relenquish his hold on the strawberry farm.

Etta Heine
Etta Heine is, as you may have guessed, Carl's mother. She is a great source of conflict in Snow Falling on Cedars as her hatred and suspicion of the Japanese cause her to convict Kabuo, sans question. Etta blames Kabuo and backs up her claim by reporting that he was giving her dirty looks. Etta sold the farm in the hopes that Kabuo wouldn't bother her again, but instead created a huge conflict. Had Etta done the moral thng and held out on the deal with the Miyamotos, much of the proof against Kabuo would be lost.

Susan Marie Heine
Susan Marie Heine was Carl's wife, she is now a widow and single mother of two children. Susan Marie met Carl at San Piedro's anual dance and they were in love ever since. Susan Marie admits to herself, however, that their relationsip was mostly for physical aspects rather than their actual appreciation for each other's characters. Susan Marie is also suspicious of Kabuo, after witnessing a heated conversation that took place betwwen the accused man and the dead man the afternoon of the murder. Carl came back into the house and refused to talk about the contents of their discussion, until he burst out angrily that Kabuo as "after the farm again". All Susan Marie wishes is to see her husband's death solved, so she can grieve in peace.

Alvin Hooks
Alvin Hooks is the intelligent prosecutor who believes that Carl was killed by Kabuo using a fishing gaff. He presents solid evidence and midway through the trial, it's still looking as though Kabuo is a murderer. Hooks takes the matter of prosecutor very seriously, and as he is up against old Nels Gudmunsson, his pride is on the line.

Nels Gudmunsson
Nels Gudmunsson is the defendant. Old, experienced and wise, Nels struggles with self confidance. He is an elderly man who has retained his wits, but not his looks. Gudmunsson also has an erectile disfunction, and he feels the need to prove his status. He has low self-esteem due to this and his rolling eye. Gudmunsson repeats to himself throughout the novel that he is slow and stiff, or that his appearance is unstately. In Snow Falling on Cedars the prosecutor and the defendant battle on a more personnel level, Kabuo Miyamoto's trial is a challenge of pride.

Art Moran
Art Moran is the sherrif leading the investigation, he and his assistant find the body and all the evidence poiting towards a murder, but Art is not yet ready to believe such a crime. He is clear-minded and a logic thinker, yet he is also a man with emotions, not a cold-hearted being at all. Art is the only policeman on the island, and this is the first big crime he has ever dealt with. Feeling overwhelmed, scared and strangey intrigued, Art enjoys working on the murder case, but also feels sad to see Carl die.